Friday, November 12, 2010


what i learned for the pass few weeks was learning how to classify quaderatirals itno parellegram ,trapazoids and kites
the first clssify shape is going to be a parraellegram
the properties of a paraellegram are
1. two pairs of paraell sides
2. two pairs of congruent sides
3. diagonals bisect each other
4. oppisite angles are congruent
5. consecutive angles are supplementry

now below the parraellegram are more specific
they are the rombus and rectangle
first we are going to classify the rectangle

1. two pairs of paraell sides
2. two pairs of congruent sides
3. diagonals bisect each other
4. oppisite angles are congruent
5. consecutive angles are supplementry
6. all angles are right
7. diagonals are congruent

now here are the properties of a rhombus
1. diagonals bisect each other
2. all angles are congruent
3. all angles are equal
4. diagonals are not congruent

now below the rhombus and the rectangle is the square
1. two pairs of paraell sides
2. two pairs of congruent sides
3. diagonals bisect each other
4. oppisite angles are congruent
5. consecutive angles are supplementry
6. all angles are right
7. diagonals are congruent
8. all sides are congruent 
9. diagonals form a right angle

now the second classifacation is the kite
there is only one property
1. kites have know parraell sides

and the last classifacation is the trapazoid
it also has one new property
1. has 1 set of paraell sides

that is what im learning

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

angles classwork

angle bisector
Step 1 : Put the sharp end of your compasses at point B and make one arc on the line BC (point S) and another arc on line AB (point T).
Step 2 : Without changing the width of your compasses, put the sharp end of the compasses at S and make an arc within the lines AB and BC. Do the same at T and make sure that the second arc intersects the first arc
Step 3 : Draw a line from point B to the points of intersection of the 2 arcs. This line bisects .
perpendicular bisetor
Step 1 : Stretch your compasses until it is more then half the length of AB. Put the sharp end at A and mark an arc above and another arc below line segment AB.
Step 2 : Without changing the width of the compasses, put the sharp end at B and mark arcs above and below the line segment AB that will intersect with the arcs drawn in step
Step 3 : Join the two points where the arcs intersect with a straight line. This line is the perpendicular bisector of AB. P is the midpoint of AB.

Constructing a median with a compass
Open the compass past the estimated midpoint of the side. Strike an arc. Keeping the same setting, move to the vertex on the opposite side of the side you are working with. Strike an arc such that it intersects the first arc twice. Use a straightedge to find the midpoint of the side. Draw a segment from that midpoint to the opposite vertex. Do this for all three sides and you'll find the centroid of the
1. If the apex of the triangle is not over the base (one of the base angles is obtuse), then extend the base line so that it goes beyond the point where the altitude would intersect.

2. Set a compass to a distance slightly larger than the altitude. Keep it at this setting for the next step of the construction.

3. With the point of the compass on the triangle's apex, mark the base line (and/or its extension) at the two points whose distance from the apex matches the compass/divider setting.

4. Set the compass to a distance larger than the distance between the points just marked. (Its former setting will do; you don't have to change it.) Keep this setting throughout the next step.

5. With the point of the compass on one of the marked points on the baseline, draw an arc below the baseline across the space between the marked baseline points. Do the same with the point of the compass on the other marked baseline point.

6. Using a straightedge, line up the apex of the triangle and the intersection point of the arcs just drawn. The altitude of the triangle is the line segment along the straightedge that extends from the apex to the baseline
mid segment
 If 3 parallel lines form congruent segments along one transversal, then they form congruent segments along every transversal. If a line intersects the midpoint of one side a triangle and is parallel to another side of the triangle, then it intersects the midpoint of the third side of the triangle. If a segment joins the midpoints of two sides of a triangle, then the segment is (a) parallel to the third side of the triangle, and (b) half the length of the third

Monday, September 20, 2010

what i learned last week

what i learned last week was how to solve the nth root with irrational numbers and how to solve for absolute error (ex)
One commonly distinguishes between the relative error and the absolute error. The absolute error is the magnitude of the difference between the exact value and the approximation. The relative error is the absolute error divided by the magnitude of the exact value. The percent error is the relative error expressed in terms of per 100.
As an example, if the exact value is 50 and the approximation is 49.9, then the absolute error is 0.1 and the relative error is 0.1/50 = 0.002. The relative error is often used to compare approximations of numbers of widely differing size; for example, approximating the number 1,000 with an absolute error of 3 is, in most applications, much worse than approximating the number 1,000,000 with an absolute error of 3; in the first case the relative error is .003 and in the second it is only .000003

Monday, September 13, 2010


what i learned last week about geomentry was about was irattional numbers and how they work with roots and how to solve them it wasnt easy at first but when you actually paid attention it was easy

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

what i learned last week"august 30th through september 3rd"

I learned how to create a blog using google blogger. I learned how to factorial numbers and learn about combinations and permutations and whats different between them. Comboinations - the order of things doesnt matter and permutations are- the order of things does matter.